40 Inexpensive Date Nights

1. Grab your camera, go to town, act like tourists and get as many people as you can to take your picture kissing. Make a collage of the kisses

2. Make hot chocolate, snuggle up and read to each other

3. Bake and decorate a cake together.

4. Sit in the park, airport, bench in the mall or some other public place and make up stories about the people coming and going. Think ... James Bond

5. Find a list of dream homes for sale and attend open houses for them

6. Go to a museum (many have one free night a week) and find your favorite piece and tell why it moves you.

7. Volunteer together at a soup kitchen or shelter

8. Window shop to furnish your dream home

9. Swap hobbies. One date do something she loves doing.  Next date do something he loves doing.

10. Play a board game in bed

11. Write a song together

12. Go to a playground and swing

13. Set up a tent in the backyard and camp out

14. Get dressed up and dance to your favorite music in the bedroom

15. Go to a flea market and choose the most meaningful, but least expensive gift you can find for each other

16. Play "Chopped" in the kitchen. Give each other 30 minutes and four strange ingredients and make dinner for each other

17. Go to the local library, sit in some plush chairs and read a children's book to each other

18. Test drive a dream car

19. Paint each other's portraits

20. Take a hike

21. Check out a cheap romance novel from the library and read it, substituting your own names for the couples'

22. Tie-dye matching T-shirts

23. Write uplifting words on sticky notes and go to a mall and put them in random places. Then watch as people find and read them

24. Have a picnic (either outside or inside)

25. Spa night; at home

26. Sit around a bonfire outside with hot chocolate and make s’mores

27. Lay under the stars and talk. 

28. Make homemade ice cream together

29. Play the Newlywed Game

30. Take a timeshare tour for a free get-a-way

31.  Play dress up and role play (look in your closet or visit the thrift store)

32. Have a game night

33. Treasure hunting. Head to the ATM and get out $10-$20. Drive around to some local yard sales and see what you end up with! There are tons on the weekends!

34. Walk on the beach

35. Get rid of the kids, clean house in the nude or in costume

36. Have a living room camp out. Make a tent out of blankets, watch a movie and sleep out on an air mattress

37. Get out of the house and take a drive

38. Try taking a lesson for a couples dance, pottery or a cooking class!

39. Attend an exercise class at a local gym, take a walk or jog together or do something active!

40. Do a mall scavenger hunt 1st one done wins you pick the reward….